ついて、回復期 前進期の方
向けに どの地点からでも開始
出来る勉強 健康増進のスモールステップ情報を発信しています)


Spinning Life Network( We provide small-step information on studying and improving your health at any point for those in the recovery and progress stages of various traumas, including those who have been bullied orabused )

It is said that there are three slopes in life:upslope, downslope, and unexpected. I hope that those who have been on a long
downward slope can continue to take small steps and realize that their life, which they thought was broken, is actualy on a single track . This is from an important word from my mentor. "No matter how painful an experience, it gives a person breadth and depth. It is more meaningful than a flat life . Overcoming it is where the noble spirit of humanity is born." What are you looking for? 
Please see the
English translation
at the end of the
book, which is written in Japanese
Or please use the
language selection
button at the end of
the book.



 TOPIC (2025.1.8)





TOPIC (2025.1.8)

The announcement of the start of the "Spinning Life Network Record Sheet - Original Support Stamp with Date" project has been posted at the end of this article, below Tomioka's profile, so please take a look.






はじめまして〜おかえりなさい。 ホームページ管理人のトミオカです。あなたの探しものは何ですか? あなたが本当にしたかった事があったなら、本当の自分らしさを取り戻すために、何から取り組めるだろうか?そんな元気の源となる場を目指しています。






そして年月を経て、今 全て忘れて、夢中で何かに向かっているなら、あなたのバイタリティは素晴らしい。でも、忘れられるかどうか、それは一人一人違うし、一人一人の思いも違うと思っています。



そのうえで、溢れる気持ちを何に向けば良いのか? 答えは一つではありません。






「熱い心は 内に秘めて

 共に目標へ 頑張っていこう!」







序章 ご訪問の皆様はじめまして

第1章 スモールステップ勉強の具体例

第2章 ダイエットを頑張る

第3章 健康増進、スポーツを頑張る

第4章 トミオカの思い、あなたへの

































































































前向きに生きていける!ここが大切だと思っています。 実際、共通テストの勉強を長く続けたら、後輩の学習アルバイトや、学習ボランティアの道も開けるかもしれません。






















一日3食 規則正しく食べる事は、全く問題ありません。総カロリーを守れる方は、迷わずそのまま継続しましょう。





夜食間食を避ける事が出来たら半分成功だと思います! 腸が休まるので、睡眠が深くなり、食べずに寝ると、朝の体調が最高なんですよ。
























頑張っていくためには、心の栄養、すなわちコミュニティ交流。ここが一番大切だと思います😊 勉強は大切だけれども孤独になりがち。だからこそ、あなたがビタミンを受けられる、手軽に自己肯定感を持ち、スモールステップを、踏める場をいくつも持ってほしいです。









いじめやパワハラ等の 被害を始めとした 様々なトラウマの最大のマイナス面は、「自己肯定感の喪失」だと思います。





















        2024.6.8 トミオカ記す



 トミオカ プロフィール














※記録表のイメージについては、下段に記載している「DROP BOX」リンクからもご覧いただけます。サイズはA3片面となります。







トミオカは、逆境の時に長らく他力本願、すなわち逆境が起こった原因に固執して、相手に変化を求め、相手に怒りや悲しみや様々な感情を持ち続け、結局、自分自身が前へ進めなくなる 経験をしてきた苦い記憶があります。



























スピニングライフネットワーク あて



Spinning Life Network

1-4-14 Tamatsukuri Chuo-ku,

Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 540-0004












              2025.1.8   トミオカ記す 


Announcement of the start of the "Spinning Life Network Record Sheet ~ Dated Support Original Stamp Stamp Project"


I'm Tomioka, the administrator of this website. Thank you for visiting our website.


As part of our efforts to "hope that our lives will be connected on a single rail, and to take small steps toward self-realization for each individual," as we have been saying on our website, we are now starting the "Spinning Life Network Record Sheet ~ Dated Support Original Stamp Stamp Project (abbreviated as Record Sheet Stamp Project)," where you can mail your daily record sheets (for 60 days) to our network, have them stamped with a dated support original stamp, and send them back to you.


There is no charge (however, if you wish to have them returned, please enclose a return envelope with a 110 yen stamp attached each time) (※If you are from overseas and wish to have them returned, please enclose an airmail envelope with the required amount of stamp attached each time).


For the first time only, we will enclose a record sheet for those who enclosed a return envelope (from the second time onwards, please make a copy of the blank sheet before filling it out and use the copy each time).


*You can also see an image of the record sheet from the "DROP BOX" link below. It is slightly different from the original paper. The size is A3 single-sided.


*You can also see an image of the record sheet from the "DROP BOX" link below. The size is A3 single-sided.




Let me briefly write down my thoughts on the purpose of starting the "Record Sheet Stamp Project".


Tomioka has bitter memories of the experience of relying on others for a long time when facing adversity, that is, clinging to the cause of the adversity, asking the other person to change, and continuing to feel anger, sadness, and various other emotions towards the other person, and ultimately being unable to move forward himself.


The trigger for me to change was the message from my mentor written at the beginning of this website, ``No matter how painful an experience is, it gives a person breadth and depth. It is more meaningful than a flat life. Overcoming it is where a noble human spirit is born.''


When faced with adversity, we lose our self-esteem and become unable to move. This is a defensive instinct, and it is natural for humans. And it is because of this defensive instinct that you were able to protect yourself,


and that is why I was able to make a connection with this website.


So, even though it may be painful for you, please accept yourself. On top of that, you already have the power that is unique to you. There is a phrase that says ``feelings are important,'' and I believe that if you put your feelings into it, you will grow exponentially.


I believe that your true rival is yourself. If you can look back on your actions, you may be able to see what you are lacking and what you need to improve.


Keeping a daily record has been considered effective since ancient times.


Some people may think, "It's just a stamp?" But, to be honest, writing a record sheet by yourself and having no one to look at it can feel lonely and unmotivating. Tomioka can help you by cheering you on, saying, "You're not alone."


You are free to record whatever genre you want. It can be about studying, sports, health, or any other small thing. Feel free to choose as many items as you like.


What Tomioka thinks is, "We want to be your buddy toward each of your goals, so that you can take even one step toward a life that is true to you." Small steps are modest, but they will bear fruit if you continue them slowly and steadily for a long time. Short-term intensive work is sometimes important, but I think it is important to continue steadily, step by step, concretely, for a long time, while keeping long-term and short-term goals in mind.


I, too, am currently continuing to walk toward my future goals.


As I wrote in the main text of the homepage, your health, work, studies, family, community, etc. should always be your top priority. Never push yourself too hard. Also, if you spend too much time on recording, you will be losing the point.


It's okay if you don't fill up your records, or if you miss something. Continuing your normal life is the most important priority. Tomioka also prioritizes normal life, and will only carry out this project to the extent that it is reasonable.


I hope that you will fully understand this point and that we can continue to connect with those who agree with the purpose.


[How to send the first mailing]


Please send a standard envelope with a 110 yen stamp to the Spinning Life Network address below. In the first mailing, please include your nickname (incidentally, my name Tomioka is also a nickname), age (just the age group is fine), gender (optional), prefecture or country of origin, and a short message.


If you would like your submission returned, please enclose a self-addressed envelope with a 110 yen stamp (please fill out your postal code, address, and name accurately and without omissions on a standard-sized envelope).


We will return your submission with a small message and one record sheet (for the first submission).


Address from within Japan


1-4-14 Tamatsukuri Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 540-0004


To: Spinning Life Network


★Address from overseas


Spinning Life Network


1-4-14 Tamatsukuri Chuo-ku,


Osaka-shi, Osaka-fu 540-0004






・Submitted records sheets will be stamped with a dated original support stamp and returned within approximately two months. If you wish to have it returned, please enclose a standard-sized reply envelope with a 110 yen stamp (please write your postal code, address, and name). If you are sending from overseas and wish to have it returned, please be sure to enclose an airmail envelope with the necessary postage for airmail reply (please write your exact address, postal code, and name without omissions). Whether domestic or overseas, if you do not enclose a reply envelope, it will not be returned. In addition, if the post office returns it to you with an unknown address, it will not be returned again.


・If you have not received it within about two months, there may be a postal problem or the return address may have been forgotten, so please contact us again by mail.


・We recommend that you make a copy before mailing it so that you can look back on your recent experiences.


・Personal information on mail you send will be managed appropriately.


・Please do not write any personal information on the Spinning Life Network record sheet. If you are sending a message, please do not write any personal information. Also, if you have any concerns, please contact the relevant counseling agency.


・You agree to the use of this record sheet as data material for the development of this network.


・If any other changes occur, we will announce them on the website as they occur.




Written by Tomioka on January 8, 2025



ENGLISH translation
version powered by
















Spinning Life (  We provide  small-step  information on studying and  improving your health  at any  point for  those in the recovery and progress  stages of  various  traumas,  including those who have been  bullied or abused )

It is said that there are  three slopes in life: upslope, downslope, and unexpected. I  hope that those who have  been on a long
downward slope can  continue to take small  steps and realize that  their life, which they  thought was broken, is  actualy on a single  track. This is  from an  important word from my mentor. "No matter how painful an experience,  it  gives  a person breadth and depth. It is  more  meaningful than a flat  life  . Overcoming it is  where  the noble spirit of humanity is born."  What are you  looking for? 
Please see the 
English translation
at the end of the
book, which is
written in Japanese.
Or please use the 
language selection
button at the end of
the book.


Notice: "Spinning Life Network Record Sheet - Original support stamp with date

Project" Coming Soon Announcement


I am Tomioka, the administrator of this website. Thank you for visiting our website.

As part of our efforts to "hope that our lives will all be connected on a single track, and to take small steps towards self-realization for each individual , " as we have been sharing on our website, we are planning to soon start the "Spinning Life Network Record Sheet - Dated Support Original Stamp Project (abbreviated as Record Sheet Stamp Project)," in which you will mail your daily record sheet (for 60 days) to our network, and we will stamp it with a dated original support stamp and send it back to you. Due to this, we will cancel the opening of our contact form in January 2026, as previously announced.

There is no charge (however, if you wish to have it returned, please enclose a reply envelope with a 110 yen postage attached each time) (*If you are from overseas and wish to have it returned, please enclose an airmail envelope with the required amount of postage attached each time).

For the first time only, we will return the form to those who enclose a reply envelope and enclose a record sheet (from the second time onwards, please make a blank copy of the form before filling it out and use the copy each time).

*You can also see an image of the record sheet from the " DROP BOX " link at the bottom . It is slightly different from the original paper. The size is A3 single-sided.




*When the project officially starts, we will add a comment about Tomioka's thoughts on the project. Please wait for a while as we are currently preparing. We plan to start the project by February 2025 .

Therefore, we hope you will check our website from time to time.

                        January 1, 2025 Tomioka


Notice of the upcoming launch of the "Spinning Life Network Record Sheet ~ Dated Support Original Stamp Project"


I'm Tomioka, the administrator of this website. Thank you for visiting our website.


As part of our efforts to "hope that our lives will be connected on a single rail, and to take small steps toward self-realization for each individual," as we have been saying on our website, we are planning to soon launch the " Spinning Life Network Record Sheet ~ Dated Support Original Stamp Project (abbreviated as Record Sheet Stamp Project)," in which you will mail your daily record sheet (for 60 days) to our network, have it stamped with a dated support original stamp, and send it back to you. As a result, we will cancel the previously announced opening of the contact form in January 2026.


There is no charge (however, if you wish to have it returned, please enclose a return envelope with a 110 yen stamp attached each time) ( ※ If you are from overseas and wish to have it returned, please enclose an airmail envelope with the required amount of stamp attached each time).

For the first time only, we will enclose a record sheet for those who enclosed a reply envelope (from the second time onwards, please make a copy of the blank sheet before filling it out and use the copy each time).


*You can also see an image of the record sheet from the "DROP BOX" link below. It is slightly different from the original paper. The size is A3 single-sided.




*When the project officially starts, we will add a note about Tomioka's thoughts on starting the project. Please wait a while as we are currently preparing. We plan to start by February 2025, so we hope you will check our website from time to time .


2025.1.1 Tomioka's Note





[Thank you for visiting]

Nice to meet you ~ Welcome back. I'm Tomioka, the homepage administrator. What are you looking for? If there is something you really wanted to do, where can you start to get back to being your true self? We aim to be a place that will be a source of such energy.

To create a warm and welcoming society where people can feel that they are who they are today because of who they were back then is truly my life's work. This website is one part of that endeavor.


When I looked back,

At that time, I had my hands full just shaking off the sparks...


And now, after all these years, if you have forgotten everything and are now working on something with passion, your vitality is wonderful. However, whether you can forget or not is different for each person, and I think each person's thoughts are different too.

If you can't forget, it's probably because you care about it and have passion for it.

First and foremost, I would like you to take care of your health, then your family, your connections, and your bases (work, home, etc.).

With that in mind, what should you direct your overflowing feelings towards? There is no single answer.

This website suggests that studying hard is one option, because if you want to help people in need, do research, or study something you really wanted to do, for example, then you can do it.

These dreams may come true through studying. Of course, studying is lonely and has many harsh aspects, so I would like to suggest options that will provide you with vitamins for yourself.

At your own timing. When something makes you want to try your best,

Please stop by again anytime.


"Keep your passionate heart hidden inside

 Let's work hard together to reach our goal!"




 table of contents

Welcome message

~Important words from my teacher~

Prologue: Hello to all visitors

Chapter 1: Specific examples of small-step study

Chapter 2: Work hard on your diet

Chapter 3: Improving health and working hard at sports

Chapter 4 Tomioka's thoughts for you


Tomioka Profile


1. Specific examples of small-step learning

To be honest, studying after such a break was very difficult and I felt like I was grasping at straws.

Revenge learning for working adults is

First, health and sleep, then work, family,

I think financial matters should be given priority.

How can you objectively check your own capabilities and take steps forward in this situation? We will introduce some concrete examples.



 Part 1

"NHK English Proficiency Test"




 You can do it casually. After that, try the NHK radio English course.

The key is to repeat the same course. If you repeat it many times, you will begin to understand it.

If you want to listen to programs repeatedly, the best way is to use the NHK Radio app "Rajira Rajira"'s "Missed Broadcast Service" (for the past week).



Part 2

"Kumon style classroom (classroom, correspondence)"




Pure self-study is not sustainable. However, individual instruction is expensive. If you don't know what level to start from or where to start when buying textbooks, I recommend Kumon.

It costs over 9,000 yen per month, but you can start from any starting point without any difficulty. You can feel a sense of accomplishment with each small step. If you continue, you can reach not only high school level but also university level. The appeal is that you can choose your favorite subject from math, English, and Japanese. I think it's fine to do one subject at a time! For working adults, health and cost come first (^o^)

By the way, Kumon correspondence is also good, but the monthly fee is 1100 yen more expensive than attending a cram school, and the once a month correction guidance is too long.

School-based correspondence course.

This involves consulting with a nearby Kumon classroom, doing only home study and attending the classroom only to have your homework exchanged (although the class will still be in a classroom setting, it will essentially be correspondence).

After all, classroom learning can be daunting because there are so many children. Also, having a deadline to submit work once or twice a week is a good incentive, and you can correct mistakes more quickly.

Depending on the classroom, you may be able to send the study materials you have worked on directly to the classroom, so you don't have to go back and forth to the classroom every time.

For this, you can first check whether the Kumon school will accept working adults by searching the Kumon homepage, and then contact the Kumon school by email or phone. You can also call the Kumon toll-free number.

For math and English, a digital Kumon system using iPads has also been introduced. For more information, please see the Kumon website.




 Part 3

"Work on the Eiken, Suken, and Kanji exams. Or, enter a university (including correspondence courses). Or, depending on the circumstances, aim for the Koequal Exam (high school graduation qualification exam)."


Test in Practical English Proficiency (EIKEN)




Practical Mathematics Skills Test (Sukuken)





Japanese Kanji Aptitude Test (Kanji Kentei)


https://www.kanken.or.jp/kank en/


 History Proficiency Test (Rekiken)





 Practical Science Proficiency Test (RIKEN)






Various tests such as Eiken, Suken, Kanji Kentei, etc. I think it is the best way to relearn with a goal. The secret to continuing is to start with the subject you are most interested in. Once you pass the test, you can move on to the next level. If you enjoy it, you will feel motivated and confident.

As you work on it, you will probably come across areas that you don't understand, or that are difficult to understand from books alone.

In that case, it will cost 2,980 yen per month,

Joining "Study Sapuri"

It's a hand.



Study Sapuri (StuSap)




There are a lot of interesting lectures available for all subjects. There is a trial period, so it is free for that period.


 I also think it would be a good idea to study with the aim of entering university by taking the high school equivalency exam.




High School Graduation Equivalency Examination (High School Equivalency Examination)




*This is a realistic suggestion for those who want to do this while working. First of all,

I think the foundation is your own position (health first, then work, family, and then self-improvement).

In that sense, I think that people who want to study can aim to take the University Common Test while working (and you can also find out your score) 😊

Whether you can actually enroll or not depends on the

Another issue.

You have your work and family situation, after all. But you should try your best to surpass yourself.

I think it's important to be able to live positively. In fact, if you continue studying for the common test for a long time, it may open up the possibility of working part-time to help your juniors study or volunteering to study.

It is scientifically 100% impossible to change the past.

Compared to that, the future is a mass of possibilities! Because we only have one life.

It's a stage where I can do what I really wanted to do, what I still have left undone, research into solving bullying and harassment issues, attend the alma mater I really wanted to attend, and rediscover my true self.

If you try your best in life (even if you do not fully commit yourself and have regrets), you will have few regrets.

 How about you all? I would like to tell you that it's a shame to give up on the life you wanted because of an unintended background. There is always a place for you to shine, so never give up!




② Work hard on your diet

If you diet in a healthy way, you can experience the joy of small steps.

This is because all weight gain is possible through future efforts.

Even if you haven't been successful in the past, I hope that by experiencing small steps you will realize that you can do it if you try, and that you will be able to incorporate that experience of success into your studies.

In that sense, I think it's possible to balance dieting and studying.

The first diet recommendation is

Exercise or walk. Take the bus to the station, or bike. Just walk. Stand on the train instead of sitting.

Walking up the stairs instead of using the escalator is also an important small step.

Then, once you reach the intermediate level or higher,

For those who find it difficult to eat only until they are 80% full every time,

I would like to recommend the 16-hour diet.


The 16-hour diet is a diet that involves eating only for 8 hours a day, giving the stomach and intestines a 16-hour rest, and aiming for a detox effect (elimination of waste products). It also inevitably reduces the total calories consumed in a day. If you can keep your stomach 80% full, eat three meals a day!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating three meals a day on a regular basis. If you can keep your total calories within the limit, don't hesitate to continue.

If you try the 16-hour diet, you'll find that from around the third day onwards, you'll start to feel extremely hungry.

You will definitely fail. But you can try again and again. There will be dinner parties and drinking parties, and communication should be a priority. You can try again and again.

Of course, don't overdo it. The premise of this diet is to get a balanced daily intake of nutrients within an 8-hour period.


I think if you can avoid late-night snacks, you're half way there! Your intestines will have a rest, which will help you sleep more deeply, and if you go to bed without eating, you'll feel great in the morning.




3) Improve your health and work hard at sports

Another thing I think is that sports are very meaningful. I've been running for about 20 years now, and at first I could barely run 5km, but my best time for a full marathon is now:

It extended to 3 hours and 10 minutes.

Speaking from the perspective of small steps, I think individual sports like running are hobbies that give you a great sense of accomplishment because the results are proportional to the effort you put in.

Of course, you can seek fulfillment in your work, team sports, or fighting, but it also depends on luck, the people around you, and your surroundings. Sometimes effort doesn't match up with results (of course, if there is something you are interested in, I recommend it without hesitation).

Bowling is fine too. The more you do it and the more effort you put in, the more likely you are to get results. It's also good to take a break from work and enjoy running, golf, bowling, or skateboarding. By the way, running is the cheapest option when it comes to budget (^o^)

If running, golf, bowling, or skateboarding aren't your thing, why not try walking or radio calisthenics?


For both running and walking, there are usually adult clubs and teams in local areas and large cities. Or, radio calisthenics is good too! In large parks, many people usually gather for radio calisthenics by 6:30 in the morning.

If you get together every day, you'll usually see some familiar faces.



 Japan Walking Association




 National Radio Gymnastics Federation




In order to do your best, you need mental nourishment, that is, community interaction. I think this is the most important thing 😊 Studying is important, but it can be lonely. That's why I want there to be many places where you can get your vitamins, easily gain self-affirmation, and take small steps.

I am still searching for a solution. I am actually a lonely person.

I don't want to feel lonely, so I started running.

I'm working on it.

But ultimately, interacting with people leads to a positive feeling in life. I think that helps me to study. I still have a long way to go. Let's work hard together.




④ Tomioka's thoughts and messages for you

I think the biggest negative aspect of various traumas, including those caused by bullying, power harassment, etc. , is the loss of self-esteem.

Of course, the perpetrator is responsible, but even if you continue to face that situation, you won't be able to move forward in life.

I understand that feeling of frustration better than anyone, and when the devil suddenly tempts me, I hate myself for giving in to that feeling, but my thoughts just stop.

The stages of life are surprisingly limited. It's a waste of time. It's your precious life.

True revenge must come from a higher place. This is where I stand.

I want you to live the life that is right for you, even if it turns out to be something different than you had hoped for.

Facing reality head on and working hard is extremely admirable and important. Just doing that makes you a wonderful challenger! It's the basis and foundation for living a positive life.

I wholeheartedly support you 😊

From that point on, you don't have to push yourself. If you don't feel motivated now, it's okay to wait a year, five years, or ten years.

If you feel a little more energetic and energetic, and your spirits rise with that extra boost,

You are a greater advanced challenger.

Steady study, steady efforts to surpass yourself. Small steps. These are things that many people don't understand, but I think I do (^o^)

If you work hard and do your best, someday

You'll probably think, "I'm glad I didn't give up back then. I'm glad I didn't keep looking back."

In fact, I have been on the verge of retreating many times.

We are travelers! Let's treasure our one and only life together (^o^)

The fact that you have read this website is an important connection.

For this alone I am very grateful.

Your heart that didn't give up

It really shines.

Let's cherish today as well!

        2024.6.8 Tomioka notes



 Tomioka Profile

Born in Chiba Prefecture. Moved far away due to family circumstances. When he was in college, he wrote about his experience, and received the message at the top of the homepage from a teacher, which moved him to tears. After graduating from college, he got a job at a major food manufacturer. He was disheartened and left the job. His only redeeming quality was his earnestness, and he continued to work steadily. In his late 20s, he started studying again, and in his early 30s, he returned to his current job. In his third year at work, he experienced power harassment, but after consulting with an understanding person who listened to him, he was transferred to a different department and the problem was resolved. He really felt the importance of a job that allows you to be transferred without having to change jobs. When he is feeling down, he relieves stress by playing sports, which he enjoys (mainly running, with the determination to overcome his feelings of frustration). His best time for a full marathon is 3 hours and 10 minutes. He still runs every day, and continues to do so to this day. His motto is, "If you try, you can do it." His life's work is "improving self-esteem through small steps, and thinking that you are who you are today because of those times. By identifying priorities at each time and having multiple bonds of some kind, we can overcome various obstacles and live positively in a warm society." He is currently in his early 50s. While constantly balancing his ideals and reality, he is searching for ways to make use of his life experiences even after retirement, with health as his number one priority. He wants to live his life with the message of his mentor, introduced at the beginning of this website, in mind. He is also a father of two children and struggles every day. His hobbies are studying mathematics and running. ~May you have happiness in life. It's important to take the first step to restart, no matter where you are~

